The SFAS program provides an opportunity for businesses and artists to reach 9,000+ visitors to the Sooke Fine Arts Show. The program is a high quality, full-colour reference brimming with information such as artist listings, scheduled events, prize-winning art, sponsors & donors, resources, and local business listings. It often becomes a keepsake for many visitors.
Booking due by May 15. Artwork & payment due by May 31
Ad Fees
Inside Front Full Page – $675
Inside Front Half Pages – $375
Inside Back Full Page – $675
Inside Back Half Page – $375
Outside Back Full Page – $800
Outside Back Half Page – $450
GST will be added to all prices. Click here for ad sizes & specs.
The Sooke Fine Arts Society respectfully acknowledges the territory of the T’Sou-ke First Nation, upon whose land we gather in celebration of the arts.
Sign up for our Art Lovers Mailing List and we’ll send you updates!
In 2024 the submission fee has been increased to $20 (+GST) per piece, making the total including GST = $21/piece. The exhibition fee remains at $40 per accepted piece, however GST will be added at the time of payment.
Why do you charge artist fees?
The Sooke Fine Arts Society is a not-for-profit organization, and fees are one part of how we offset the costs of marketing, venue rental, and gallery infrastructure in order to continue nurturing the careers of the region’s fine artists.
What is the commission fee for art sales?
The commission is 30% on all art sales.
I usually pay my submission fee in person. Can I do that this year?
Yes, please contact the SFAS Office to arrange a visit: 250-642-7256 /
Can I submit a previously declined piece?
As long as the piece was completed within 18 months of the start of the current show, and has not been shown in any other major, juried shows on BC’s Coastal Islands, it can be submitted. Since our jury panel changes each year, a piece not accepted one year may very well be selected the following year.
Will the submission images be big enough to give jurors a good look at my work?
Yes, the jurors can magnify the images to see fine detail and texture. This is why we ask images be a minimum of 1500 pixels to preserve details in your work. Please note that selections for awards are made in person, in Sooke, following Art Drop-Off.
Is there a minimum price for artwork?
The minimum price for artwork is $350. Like any Gallery, there are fees and commissions associated with the show and sale of artwork. Artists are asked to consider the following when setting their price:
Cost of materials
Originality/uniqueness of the concept
Creative time invested
Framing /presentation costs
Submission and exhibition fees
30% commission fee
Can I submit a piece that will not be for sale?
All work submitted for adjudication must be available for sale.
My work is not finished yet, but it will be. Can I upload images of the unfinished piece?
No. Work submitted for adjudication must be completed. We recommend finishing your piece before the Call to Artists ends.
Can I make changes to my submission after it has been submitted?
You can make changes to your submission before the deadline. No changes will be accepted after the close of submissions on June 1, 2024.
Do I need to provide a Certificate of Authenticity with my submission?
No, a Certificate of Authenticity (C-of-A) is not required at the submission stage, but if your piece is part of a limited edition run, a C-of-A will be expected if your piece is accepted into the show, and will be required to accompany your piece when delivered to the show.
What is meant by the stipulation of a "major, juried art show”?
The stipulation that artwork must be completed in the last 18 months, and not have been shown locally in another major, juried art show on BC’s Coastal Islands is designed to keep our show fresh, with works that have not been seen at other shows in our region, and to encourage artists to share new work.
The more we can present a diverse, unique show, the more we help promote the joy of art in our region.
The requirement specifies the combination of all three elements – major/juried/in BC’s Coastal Islands – for a piece to be ineligible to be shown in the Sooke Fine Arts Show.
Do I have to frame my 2D piece for online adjudication?
There is no requirement to show the frame in the images submitted for adjudication. This will allow 2D pieces to be photographed prior to framing, or scanned in a flatbed scanner for high-quality images. However, artwork selected for the show is expected to meet gallery standards of display. We recommend having your work professionally framed if it is accepted into the show. Proper framing and display can significantly enhance the saleability of your work. Any framing that does not meet show standards may be refused.
I am having difficulty photographing my 3D work. What advice do you have for me?
Check out our resource page on Photographing Artwork for tips and tricks on getting a clear, representative image of your artwork. If the piece has darker tones, try a lighter backdrop, and vice versa. Past Sooke Fine Arts Show jurors have recommended placing something next to your piece to offer the viewer a better sense of the scale of your work. In your optional 25-word description, mention the extra object is for scale only.
What are the chances my work will be accepted?
There is no way to know in advance which pieces, or even which kinds of pieces, will be accepted. We receive a wide range of submissions in all categories, and each year an independent panel of three new jurors are invited to review all the submissions to select the pieces that will appear in the show. Due to space limitations, we can only accept approximately 375-380 pieces into the show. Because the jurors change from year to year, there is truly no way to know which pieces they will select.
Do the jurors give feedback on why a piece wasn't accepted?
Jurors are not able to provide feedback on why pieces were not accepted. There are simply too many pieces and jurying is done separately. However it is important to keep in mind that pieces not accepted one year can still be accepted a subsequent year, as long as they were completed within 18 months of the subsequent show.
I have a conflict with the main Art Drop-Off date. Will I be able to drop my work off at a different time?
In 2024, there will be two drop off dates: – July 12, 4:00pm – 8:00pm – July 13, 9:30am – 4:30pm
If artists have trouble with either of those dates, they can arrange for their accepted works & gift shop items to be delivered by a friend, or have them couriered to arrive July 12. Since Art Drop-off involves many volunteers and a very structured process, we are not able to accommodate the receipt of pieces outside of these timeframes.
What is meant by the term "creatively altered" in reference to photography?
It is not uncommon for photographers to tweak brightness, contrast, white balance, etc of their images. The term “creatively altered” in our guidelines refers more to additional work that significantly alters the composition of the image. Some artists choose to make a point of saying when absolutely no alterations have been made to the original. When in doubt, it is best to state what has been done – i.e mention in the description “standard adjustments made to light balance & sharpness” – in order to inform the jurors during adjudication.
How is “part-time” defined re eligibility? (i.e That an artist must be a full or "part-time" resident within the SFAS catchment)
To qualify as a part-time resident within our catchment (BC’s Coastal Islands) – the artist must reside at at least 3 months of the year within our catchment, and maintain their own mailing address within this region, to be eligible.
Once an artist fully moves out of the region they are no longer eligible to apply.
Whilst we support the work of all artists, we have to manage our catchment carefully in order to maintain fairness to the artists in our region.
I am in the catchment area, but live quite far from Sooke - how might I get my work to the show if accepted?
Artists can arrange to have a friend deliver their work on July 13, or have it couriered to the arena (for arrival July 12), and can sometimes arrange delivery with other artists of accepted works. The SFAS Office can help determine if there are other artists in your area who might be willing to share transportation down to Sooke.
Do I need to include taxes in my sale price?
No, you do not need to include tax in your price, as taxes are added on at the time of sale.
Under photography - is it acceptable to upload the original digital photo, or do I have to print it and take a photo of it?
You can submit the original digital image, and in fact that is the preferred way to highlight the art, unless the framing and display is particularly unique or integral to the meaning or message of the piece.
Exhibition FAQ
Do you charge taxes on fees or sales?
All artist fees will have GST added. The total for a each fee type including tax is therefore as follows: – Submission fee: $21/piece – Exhibition fee: $42/piece
Applicable taxes on artwork sold at the Sooke Fine Arts Show are added to the price set by the artist; the Sooke Fine Arts Society collects and remits these taxes on behalf of the artist. Taxes do not affect the commission.
When are award-winning pieces decided?
Jurors are on-site in the gallery in July to select outstanding pieces for award recognition. Prior to the show, the Sooke Fine Arts Show Designer & Design Committee select the award winning “Designers’ Choice” to be used in all promotional materials for the following year. Award Winners are notified prior to the show.
The People’s Choice and Children’s Choice Awards are both tallied from survey results collected during the show, with winners announced after the show.
A purchaser contacted me directly about my work. How do I handle requests of this nature?
Understandably, some patrons may choose to contact artists directly, and while this may seem like an opportunity to provide work at a lower price, we ask that artists encourage patrons to complete their purchases through the show.
The Sooke Fine Arts Society is a not-for-profit entity, and art sales are a very important part of how we offset the costs of marketing, venue rental, and gallery infrastructure in order to continue nurturing the careers of the region’s fine artists.
How do I know if I need to collect unsold artwork and gift shop items after the show?
If your work sells, someone from the Art Sales desk will call you immediately with the good news. If your gift shop items sell out or need to be replenished, you will be informed by someone from the Gift Shop team. Artists can also contact the Sooke Fine Arts office at 250-642-7256, or by email
If I sold something in the show, how & when do I get paid?
Artist payments are scheduled for the last week of August each year, and are sent out by cheque. The process of cross-checking the gift shop inventory, art sales and demos/talks/tours takes time and a lot of careful work to ensure accuracy.
If you haven’t received your cheque by mid-September, please get back in touch. You can contact the Sooke Fine Arts office at 250-642-7256, or by email
Information on Copyright for the Artist
SFAS supports the rights of artists and requires that all submitted artwork be the originalcreation of the submitting artist. It is incumbent on all artists to familiarize themselves with Canadian copyright laws to ensure that they are not infringing on another artist’s rights.
Copyright Law
Copyright law gives artists certain exclusive rights to their own original work, and the reproduction or resale of that work. Copyright arises automatically when an artistic work is fixed in a material form.
It is advised that all artists ensure that their work does not breach any copyright. See the links below for further reading.
Original Art
Artists are encouraged to submit artworks that reflect their own original, personal vision and style. If an artwork is recognizably based on the work of another artist, or uses a part of another artist’s artwork as a creative base, it may be subject to copyright infringement. Such works are discouraged for submission to a juried art show and sale. Eligibility of any artwork is up to the discretion of the jurors and the SFAS adjudication committee.
Using Photographs as Source Material
It is important to note that there have been recent policy changes within the Federation of Canadian Artists with regards to using photographs as reference. SFAS supports the following statement:
“While using photos as reference for painting is a long held accepted practice, making substantive use of stock imagery or photos taken by professional photographers is not permissible, even with their permission. Photographs by professional photographers are considered artworks in and of themselves. Reference photos must be taken by the artist themselves or provided to them by an amateur photographer with their express consent. Stock images may only be referred to for anatomical study and must be incidental to the completed artwork to be permissible.”
The Sooke Fine Arts Society retains the right to remove any artwork from adjudication that may contravene copyright laws or show standards.
If you are still unsure whether or not your work would be eligible, you can email the SFAS office at, however we ask that you please do so well in advance of the submission deadline (midnight, May 25, 2021).
Please contact the SFAS Office to book a Premium Ad
Space is limited for the premium ads – please contact to book:
Phone: 250-642-7256
Volunteer Sign Up FAQ
Where can I read the Volunteer Code of Conduct?
Click here: SFAS Volunteer Code of Conduct. There is also a link to the Volunteer Code of Conduct on each of the team info pages.
Why can’t I see August shifts?
Click on the small right arrow at the top of the calendar next to July to view the August calendar.
How can I see a list of shifts/jobs within a particular area?
The volunteer shifts are organized in a calendar-view by default, but you can view all jobs/shifts within a particular area in list format. Simply click on the list icon above the top, right corner of the calendar.
What if I can no longer do my shift?
No problem. Simply contact our volunteer coordinator, Gunny:, and she will help you out!
Can I switch shifts with someone?
Maybe! Please contact our volunteer coordinator, Gunny, to give you a hand: 250-588-5852
Why aren’t all the jobs on the system?
Some teams manage their own volunteers and so not all jobs are posted publicly. If you are interested in helping out on a particular team, you can contact our volunteer coordinator, Gunny Tennese: 250-588-5852
When will I get reminded of my shift?
You will receive an email notification 2 days before your scheduled shift.
I need help! Who can I call?
You can contact our volunteer coordinator, Gunny Tennese: 250-588-5852
SFAS Memberships
Hi! Thanks for your interest in the Sooke Fine Arts Society.
Our membership plan is currently being updated.
Please check back here shortly to sign up for the 2023 year.
Have a great day!
The 2022 Digital Catalogue
Stay Tuned!
The Digital Catalogue of the 2022 Sooke Fine Arts Show will be available to view at 12:00pm on Friday, July 22, 2022. Please come back then!
The 2020 game has closed. Please check back in July, 2021 for a whole new game!
The 2021 Gallery will open July 23 - please come back then!
Visit us July 23 through August 2, 2021 to view a whole new collection of world class Island art. For a sneak peek on July 22, buy Purchasers’ Preview tickets – click here.
2021 Purchasers' Preview Tickets
Ticket Sales Open May 31!
The 2021 Show is free to view, but it kicks off with an exciting one-night only virtual Purchasers’ Preview event on Thursday, July 22, 7-10pm – which is an exclusive access event that allows the keenest of art lovers an advance preview of the 2021 artworks. Tickets for this one-night event are just $25, and can be purchased here on our website, as of May 31, 2021. Please come back then!
The Call for Submissions closed at midnight on May 25, 2021. The list of accepted artists will be posted on this website on June 11. Thanks to all artists who submitted!
Nearly there!
The Call for Submissions will open the morning of March 17, 2021. Please check back here then!
Stay Tuned!
A list of the 2021 Exhibiting Artists will be available here on June 11, 2021. Please check back here then!
The 2021 guidelines will be released soon. Please check back again.
History of the Sooke Fine Arts Show
The Sooke Fine Arts Show stems from humble beginnings when the Sooke Region Museum featured work from local artists in their upper gallery. In 1986, spurred by the buzz of the year’s Expo, a committee of five artists conceived the idea of a show to bring attention to art and artists of the region. The inaugural SOOKE FINE ARTS SHOW was born.
The show was a spectacular success, and under the admirable coordination of Elida Peers, the sponsorship of the Sooke Region Museum, the Sooke Region Historical Society, and teams of hard-working volunteers, it flourished and grew each year. In 2006, coordination of the show moved from the hands of the Sooke Region Museum and into the newly-formed Sooke Fine Arts Society.
That first show displayed 200 pieces from 49 artists in SEAPARC’s ice arena and eventually grew to fill the entire 16,000 square foot space, transforming it into the world-class exhibition that you see today. Today, the show features on average 375 pieces from approximately 260 artists from all over Vancouver Island and BC’s coastal islands, with prizes totaling over $12,000. It is now so much more than a gallery, housing a stage with live music and youth performances, artist demonstrations, a large gift shop, and a separate youth art gallery, expanding the exhibition beyond the main arena.
The Sooke Fine Arts Society is grateful for the efforts of all the previous organizers, volunteers, sponsors, donors, and friends that have made the show the success that it is today.
The Gallery is now closed. Thanks for visiting!
The Sooke Fine Arts Show has closed for the season. Visit us next year from July 23 through August 2, 2021 to view a whole new collection of world class Island art.
Books Mentioned in This Talk
Mona Brooks
“Drawing with Children: A creative teachings and learning method that works for adults too”, 1986 and revised edition 1996
“Drawing With Older Children and Teens”, 1991
Virginia Cobb
“Discovering The Inner Eye”, 1988
Shawn McNiff
“Trust The Process An Artist’s Guide To Letting Go”, 1998
“Imagination In Action Secrets For Unleashing Creative Expression”, 2015
“Art Heals. How Creativity Cures The Soul”, 2004
Maxine Masterfield
“Painting The Spirit Of Nature”, 1996
“In Harmony with Nature”, 1990
Heather Spears
“The Creative Eye: Drawing, vision and the brain, revisited”, 2020
The 2020 Virtual Sooke Fine Show includes 373 pieces of unique island art for purchase online, along with a youth art gallery, live events, links to artist demonstrations & live talks, music links, activity pages for kids, an online auction – i.e; most of the usual elements of the physical Sooke Fine Arts Show, in a virtual format. The live events, auction, and People’s Choice voting system close when the show closes August 3, 2020. However, the art will be available for sale on the website until September 30 to provide added exposure for the artists in this difficult year. All other static elements – the recorded demonstrations & talks, music, the youth art gallery, kids pages will also remain online until we begin preparations for next year’s show – our 35th anniversary – when we mount an entirely new, exciting display of world-class island art.
Purchasers’ Preview Evening
Purchasers with special access can browse the site from 7pm onward on July 23. Access to the site continues until the show opens to the public at 9:00am on July 24th, but the office closes at 10pm on Thursday, so representatives will no longer be available to assist after that time. Access pass holders can continue to browse and purchase items after hours. If an item is purchased, a representative will get back to the purchaser in the following days. Please Note: Holds are not permitted during the Purchasers’ Preview event.
Purchasing an Artwork
When you purchase an item and complete the checkout process, you will receive notification that the order is being processed. As soon as you receive this notification, the artwork is yours – congratulations! At that point the item will be marked online as Sold. An SFAS representative will get back to you to coordinate delivery of the item. Please do not be concerned if you do not hear from a representative right away – they are likely dealing with other purchases, and will get to yours in due course. Thank you for your patience.
Holds on Artwork
Holds are accepted during the show period (except during Purchasers’ Preview) but are limited to one hold per person at a time for a length of four hours during show times. Credit card information will be required as a guarantee to hold the art piece. To put an item on hold, please contact the office office via the chat icon below or phone 250-642-7256. Wait lists will be established for pieces designated as on hold.
Shipping Information
Shipping will be handled after each sale, on a case-by-case basis. A number of shipping and delivery options will be discussed, depending on the addresses of both the purchaser and artist, and the availability of the artist to deliver or receive visitors at their studio/home. Once a sale has been processed, a representative will contact you to manage the arrangements.
Most of the images of the artwork on this site are have reduced resolution in order to provide image security for the artist’s work. If an image appears less crisp, it should not be taken as a true representation of the artwork. Please feel free to contact us if more information is required.
Contact Us
There are several ways to reach us if you have a question: Chat – click on the chat icon bottom, right corner of any of our webpages Email – Phone – 250-642-7256
Office Hours
Sooke Fine Arts office representatives will be available to assist during the following hours:
July 23 (Purchasers’ Preview event): 7-10pm
During the Show (July 24 – August 3): 10am – 5pm (Mon-Sun)
After the Show (August 4 – Sept 30): 10am – 5pm (Mon-Fri)
Any sales or queries outside those hours will be dealt with the next business day.
The 2020 Award-winners will be announced on July 25th at 2pm at the Artist Celebration live-streamed event.See event info.
You can vote for your favourite piece!
Click on the Vote tab to cast your vote within the detail page for a particular piece..
The piece with the most votes by the end of the show (August 3 @ 5pm) will be awarded this year’s People’s Choice Award.
The winner will be announced after August 7.
Thanks for voting!
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Keep mouse off-screen to play, hover over to pause, click to view an artwork
Information on Copyright & Derivative for the Artist
SFAS supports the rights of artists and requires that all submitted artwork be the originalcreation of the submitting artist. It is incumbent on all artists to familiarize themselves with copyright laws and the concepts of derivative and transformative art to ensure that they are not infringing on another artist’s rights.
Copyright Laws
Copyright law gives artists certain exclusive rights to their own original work, and the reproduction or resale of that work. Copyright arises automatically when an artistic work is fixed in a material form.
It is advised that all artists ensure that their work does not breach any copyright. See the links below for further reading.
Derivative Art
“Derivative” refers to work that is based upon one or more preexisting works by another artist, and can include the use of source material as a creative base. Derivative work is not permissible (unless it can be considered “transformative” – see next section & links below). The nature of derivative work is very subjective, and eligibility is up to the discretion of the jurors and the SFAS adjudication committee.
Using Photographs
It is important to note that there have been recent policy changes within the Federation of Canadian Artists with regards to using photographs as reference. SFAS supports the following statement:
“While using photos as reference for painting is a long held accepted practice, making substantive use of stock imagery or photos taken by professional photographers is not permissible, even with their permission. Photographs by professional photographers are considered artworks in and of themselves. Reference photos must be taken by the artist themselves or provided to them by an amateur photographer with their express consent. Stock images may only be referred to for anatomical study and must be incidental to the completed artwork to be permissible.”
– FCA Policy, section 7.1.5
Transformative Art
There are some cases in which art that has been derived from another’s work can be considered “transformative” – demonstrating a significant creative departure from the original (i.e: new expression, meaning or message), and creating an altogether new work of art. The nature of transformative work is very subjective, and eligibility is up to the discretion of the jurors and the SFAS adjudication committee.
The Sooke Fine Arts Society retains the right to remove any artwork from adjudication that may contravene copyright laws or show standards.
If you are still unsure whether or not your work would be eligible, you can email the SFAS office at, however we ask that you please do so well in advance of the submission deadline (midnight, June 1, 2020).